ReviewVol 15, Issue 4, 2020 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

MULLER, Z. JERRY, 2020. Tyranie metrik. Praha: Academia. 188 s. ISBN 978-80-200-3074-0.

Autorom tejto, podľa mňa, pozoruhodnej knihy je profesor histórie na súkromnej Americkej katolíckej univerzite vo Washingtone. Ako dlhoročný pedagóg po čase zistil, že stále viac svojho času venoval odpovediam na otázky, týkajúce sa aktivít katedry a fakulty, ako výučbe a ďalšej odbornej a vedeckej práci. Išlo o rôzne kvantitatívne prístupy, pravidelné akreditácie, evaluácie, čísla, dáta, sumáre, výkazy, rankingy.

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ReviewVol 15, Issue 4, 2020 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

FORET, MIROSLAV a MELAS, DÁVID, 2021. Marketingový výzkum v udržitelném marketingovém managementu. Praha: Grada Publishing. 168 s. ISBN 978-80-271-1723-9.

Publikace navazuje na předchozí práce autorů z oblasti marketingového výzkumu, marketingové komunikace a marketingového managementu. V nové monografii si kladou za cíl objasnit metodologické principy, postupy a problémy marketingového výzkumu v kontextu marketingového managementu firem a společností. Předností práce jsou konkrétní příklady vlastních marketingových výzkumů.

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DictionaryVol 15, Issue 4, 2020 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

M Words

morský, námornícky, prímorský, námorný, lodný, námorník, loďstvo
The Central harbor area will be closed to all marine traffic from 3 pm to 4 pm.
Oblasť centrálneho prístavu bude od 15. do 16. hodiny uzavretá pre všetku námornú dopravu.

marine insurance
námorné poistenie
What exactly does marine insurance cover?
Čo konkrétne pokrýva námorné poistenie?

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Research PaperVol 15, Issue 4, 2020 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

The corona crisis as a catalyst for the digital transformation in the sanitary trade?

The aim of this essay is to find out to what extent the corona crisis serves as a catalyst for the digital transformation in the specialist sanitary trade. The study carried out for this purpose leads to the result that the use of video conferences and home offices have increased and will also be used more frequently in the future.

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Research PaperVol 15, Issue 4, 2020 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

Consumers´ perception of sustainable retailers

The paper aims to describe the perception of sustainable concepts in retail by the Czech consumers. A small enterprise, based on sustainable principles, will be introduced as a best practice in retail. Consumers tend to interest in sustainable companies. But, is their confidence and money saving more than sustainable purchasing?

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Research PaperVol 15, Issue 4, 2020 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

Purported green attitude vs. actual pro-environmental behaviour of Czech consumers

Green attitudes and consumer behaviour should correlate in order to achieve environmental objectives. This paper aims to describe the foundations of green attitudes of Czech consumers – their trust in solutions of companies, their belief in global warming and their willingness to join pro-environmental initiatives.

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