Call for Papers
Deadline for the first issue in 2025 is 28.2.2025.
Your Paper, Your Way
We respect the time you put into the preparation of your paper. We will evaluate your paper without the need for special formatting, including the peer-review process if the editor finds your paper. You will only be asked to transform your paper into MSI template once it has been accepted for publication.
Focus and Aims of the Journal
Submissions on broad topics of marketing and marketing management are welcome as long as they contribute to the existing body of knowledge on the theoretical and/or practical level.
Additional Information
- Editorial board accepts only original, previously unpublished contributions of no more than 10 pages (1 standard page is approximately 1,800 characters).
- Submitted papers can be written in English, Slovak or Czech language. Use only the Latin alphabet both for the paper and bibliography.
- Contributions should be submitted electronically in the supported format (DOC, DOCX, PDF)
- Editorial board decides about the acceptance or rejection of submitted papers based on the opinion of the editor and reviewers.
- The journal publishes the following article types:
- Research papers.
- Marketing briefs.
- Short communications.
- Reviews.
- Dictionary of useful marketing terms.
- Editorial board of Marketing Science and Inspirations reserves the right to reject any contribution.
- Research papers are reviewed by two external independent reviewers (in an anonymous way). After the review process, the corresponding author receivesany comments and suggestions, which need to be incorporated into text before its publishing.
- The author is responsible for the content and detailed proofreading of the article.
- Unsolicited manuscripts will be not returned.
- No article processing or article submission charges apply.
- Marketing Science and Inspirations journal will make the article freely available in fulltext for anyone to read online immediately from the time of publication.
- All articles published in this journal are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License: Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-ND 4.0). The journal continues to monitor the discussion around the optimal license arrangements for open access articles.
MSI Article Template
In case your article has been accepted for publication, kindly transform the paper to the MSI template. Note: Do not change the text marked in red.