Research PaperVol 18, Issue 2, 2023 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

The role of marketing metrics in social media: A comprehensive analysis

The primary objective of this article is to delve into the significance of marketing metrics in the realm of social media. The scope of this article encompasses a comprehensive analysis of key marketing metrics, including reach and impressions, engagement metrics, conversion metrics, customer satisfaction metrics, brand awareness metrics, and influence and authority metrics.

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Research PaperVol 18, Issue 2, 2023 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

Marketing strategies in response to tough times – lessons from India during a global crisis

This study contributes to the extant literature by highlighting the marketing strategies and tactics adopted by organizations during during the Covid-19 pandemic. The themes indicate that, by and large, the response of firms to the current pandemic is in line with the marketing strategies adopted during previous environmental disruptions, as substantiated by various examples.

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Research PaperVol 18, Issue 2, 2023 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

Sustainable tourism development: Insights from accommodation facilities in Bukhara along the silk road

The study aimed to investigate their perceptions of the Silk Road brand, involvement in sustainable development initiatives, collaboration with the public sector, and the status of their service offerings. Based on the results, the paper concludes and offers specific recommendations.

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Research PaperVol 18, Issue 2, 2023 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

Brand seduction as a tool for brand’s success: Conceptualizing the term

The concept of seduction has been conceptualized based on this literature review by qualitative coding techniques. The key stakeholders experiencing brand seduction were interviewed to verify the suitability of the theoretical concept. The results show the correspondence of the concept of brand seduction with the stakeholder´s experience.

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DictionaryVol 18, Issue 2, 2023 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

M Words

In this case, I have found that neither descriptive nor motivational language would help much.
V tomto prípade som zistil, že ani popisný, ani motivačný jazyk by veľmi nepomohol.

I am in a great position financially, but motivationally I am in the same place.
Finančne som na tom výborne, no motivačne som na tom rovnako.

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ReviewVol 18, Issue 2, 2023 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

FORET, MIROSLAV a TURNEROVÁ, LENKA, 2023. Pro kreativní a udržitelný marketingový management. Praha: Vysoká škola kreativní komunikace. 102 s. ISBN 978-80-88431-10-7 (PRINT), ISBN 978-80-88431-11-4 (PDF).

Leží před námi kniha, která je vysoce aktuální, bude nesporně vhodným učebním textem, ale i zdrojem inspirace pro vědecké pracovníky v oboru i všechny, kteří se v dané oblasti pohybují a chtějí být „in“ a zamýšlet se zodpovědně a vážně nad proměnami, které probíhají v současném světě i v jednotlivých oborech, marketingový management nevyjímajíce.

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ReviewVol 18, Issue 2, 2023 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

DHAWAN, ERICA, 2023. Digitální řeč tela. Vylepšete svou komunikaci v online světě. Brno: CPress. 287 s. ISBN 978-80-264-4687-3.

V tejto knihe je možné stretnúť sa s témami, ako sú verbálna a neverbálna komunikácia, hľadanie a budovanie dôvery medzi ľuďmi v komunikácii. Knihu jednoznačne odporúčam pre všetkých, ktorých zaujíma tradičná komunikácia, pre tých, ktorých zaujíma digitálny svet a jeho komunikácia a absolútne pre tých, ktorých pracovným prostredím je „home office“.

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Short CommunicationsVol 18, Issue 2, 2023 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

Bernd Hallier, the distinguished marketing and business personality, has left us

Prof. Dr. Bernd Hallier, left us forever on June 9, 2023. Professor was the Managing Director of the EHI Retail Institute, Chairman of the Advisory Board of EuroShop and member of other organizations. In addition, he was a prominent member of the Editorial board of Marketing Science & Inspirations. Some papers and an interview with him were published in our journal.

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Short CommunicationsVol 18, Issue 2, 2023 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

Akademická a reklamná obec smúti – opustil nás nestor a legenda československej reklamy Pavel Horňák

7. júna 2023 nás navždy opustil vysokoškolský pedagóg, zakladateľ prvého samostatného vysokoškolského štúdia marketingovej komunikácie a reklamy v rámci Slovenskej a Českej republiky, dlhoročný vedúci Katedry marketingovej komunikácie na Filozofickej fakulte Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave, člen redakčnej rady Marketing Science & Inspirations prof. PhDr. Pavel Horňák, CSc.

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Short CommunicationsVol 18, Issue 2, 2023 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

Soutěž Marketér roku 2022 má svého vítěze

Česká marketingová společnost vyhlásila oficiální výsledky 18. ročníku soutěže Marketér roku 2022. Kromě hlavních cen udělila porota i několik zvláštních ocenění za mimořádné aktivity a úspěšné inovativní marketingové projekty, stejně tak vybralo k ocenění svoje kandidáty i prezidium ČMS. Velkého modrého delfína získala Mgr. Ivana Janečková.

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Marketing BriefVol 18, Issue 2, 2023 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Article 1

Developing meaningful sales leads in the online environment

A sales funnel looks at the consumer’s buying journey from a corporate perspective. A sales funnel is based on the idea that a company needs to attract many interested individuals, before narrowing them down until sales happen with some. This cut off is inevitable, although effective funnels convert higher numbers of target audience into buyers.

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