Research PaperVol 19, Issue 1, 2024 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

Interaction between cognitive process and social dynamics in shaping individual analyzing of online reviews. Part I.

We conduct a study among skincare product consumers, revealing that social conformity, significantly influence reliance on peripheral cues (ratings, source credibility), however social validation does not exhibit a significant effect. Furthermore, by introducing expertise as a moderator, we observe that the direct impact of social factors becomes attenuated.

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Research PaperVol 19, Issue 1, 2024 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

Characteristics of research on green marketing. Theoretical study.

The article highlights how the idea of sustainability has become an integral part of the business economy, presenting more effective strategies that can be adopted within companies to gain increasingly competitive advantages linked to sustainability. The concept of green marketing, focused on promoting products and services with low environmental impact, is gaining increasing relevance in this context.

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Short CommunicationsVol 19, Issue 1, 2024 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

Češi a reklama 2024

Česká marketingová společnost vydala tlačovú správu, ktorá obsahuje výsledky pravidelného prieskumu zameraného na postoje českej verejnosti k reklame. Zadávateľom výskumu bola Česká marketingová společnost (ČMS), POPAI CE a České sdružení pro značkové výrobky (ČSZV). Prieskum realizovala výskumná agentúra ppm factum research. Tento rok išlo už o 41. vlnu prieskumu.

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Short CommunicationsVol 19, Issue 1, 2024 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

Súťaž EFFIE Awards Slovakia 2023 má víťazov

Porota zložená z 55 odborníkov na reklamu a marketingových špecialistov ocenila najefektívnejšie práce reklamných kampaní minulého roka. Klub reklamných agentúr Slovenskej republiky (KRAS) je organizátorom a odborným garantom súťaže EFFIE AWARDS Slovakia. Odovzdanie cien sa uskutočnilo v piatok 9. februára v priestoroch Mlynica, ktorého sa zúčastnilo 400 ľudí z reklamnej branže.

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Research PaperVol 19, Issue 1, 2024 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

Green marketing and its impact on consumer buying behavior in city of Muntinlupa, Philippines. Part II.

The purpose of this paper is to provide a comprehensive literature review of green marketing, eco-friendly products, and green consumers aims to give information about the effect of green marketing on customers purchasing behaviors. First of all, environment and environmental problems, one of the reasons why green marketing emerged, are mentioned, and then the concepts of green marketing and green consumer are explained.

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ReviewVol 19, Issue 1, 2024 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

CIALDINI, B. ROBERT, 2023. Nové zbraně vlivu. Psychologie přesvědčování i v online světe. Brno: Jan Melvil Publishing. 512 s. ISBN 978-80-7555-181-8.

Recenzovaná kniha je skvelou ukážkou toho, ako renomovaný vedec a autor tejto knihy vedecky, zrozumiteľne i zábavne objasnil a umožnil čitateľom pochopiť zložitosť a pritom aj jednoduchosť ľudského správania v určitých situáciách. Knihu možno odporúčať všetkým, koho zaujímajú psychologické aspekty marketingu v zmysle nielen pozitívneho, ale často i negatívneho ovplyvňovania ľudí v dnešnej digitálnej dobe.

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Marketing BriefVol 19, Issue 1, 2024 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Article 1

The rise of direct sales models for fast fashion 2.0: Sustainable greenwashing?

Fast Fashion 2.0 represents a paradigm shift in the fashion industry, characterized by a renewed focus on sustainability, transparency, and direct-to-consumer sales models. Addressing these challenges will require collaboration, innovation, and a concerted effort from brands, consumers, and policymakers alike. Ultimately, the future of fashion lies in striking a balance between profitability and sustainability, where ethical considerations are woven into the fabric of every garment.

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