FH-Prof. DI Dr. Margarethe Überwimmer, Degree program Global Sales and Marketing, Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences, School of Management, Wehrgrabengasse 1-3, 4400 Steyr, Austria, e-mail: margarethe.ueberwimmer@fh-steyr.at
Seeing Upper Austrian B2B companies struggle in keeping up their export business intensity and simultaneously accelerating the usage of digital communication and export channels, creates the starting point for an Export Resilience study in Upper Austria, an export-oriented region.
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Companies are either proactively driving the digital transformation. The results show that one major goal for companies is to accelerate digitizing processes as digitalization helps to work more efficiently. Access to systems is necessary, hence investments in digitalization are seen as sustainable and absolutely essential for to serve B2B customers today.
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This paper presents the initial results of an international research project aimed at assisting advanced manufacturers in making decisions about exporting their service offerings to foreign markets. The paper presents a roadmap for progressing towards an Artificial Intelligence-based market information solution.
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Based on the data collected, the authors identified the prerequisites, motivations, essential infrastructure, cooperation possibilities, problematic elements, and specific consulting requirements necessary to develop and implement successful business ownership transfer.
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In an increasingly globalized and competitive environment, it is essential that geographical regions pool available resources and create synergies in service innovation management in order to sustain an innovative edge. Collaborative innovation management entails substantial synergies, especially for connected regions. However, existing potentials of such a cross-border innovation collaboration system have …
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There has been an increasing discussion around B2B sales and the need for its digital transformation as it may strongly accelerate company’s performance. Because sales is an essential element of business growth, it is important to study B2B sales and the level of digital transformation on a country-specific level. For this purpose, we studied the role of digital transformation …
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The necessity of a holistic framework for servitization and the discussion and classification of the associated measures for the development of a servitization strategy to expand the business areas in mechanical engineering is implicit. This is particularly relevant as servitization must take into account both business models (BM) and organizational change. This paper, therefore, sets out to investigate crucial measures …
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There is a trend among manufacturing companies to augment their product offering with services due to competitive and economic reasons as well as changing customer demand. However, offering services is often a challenging task for manufacturing companies, as their core capabilities are in the manufacturing business. Therefore, this paper tries to identify which aspects are important to offer excellent industrial services …
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Due to the increasing global competitiveness, companies have to continuously expand their offer of innovative products and services. Upper Austria is the most competitive region of Austria and one of the most innovative regions in Europe.
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The method of System Dynamics is applied to study the impact of word-of mouth on sales over time. Five simulations (or experiments) are run under different assumptions. The outcomes show a significant leverage effect of WOM: Depending on Customer Involvement, Product Life Cycle and Customer Satisfaction, the market development of a New-Product-Introduction varies between 11.0 and 59.3 percent…
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According to the ESIC (European Service Innovation Centre) report, the Upper Austrian region is characterized by a strong manufacturing sector where service innovation driven transformation represents an inevitable step forward and is thus used as a large-scale demonstrator for the dynamic and broad impact of service innovation…
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Industrial services have always been an important part of companies’ value chains and thus subject to many strategic decisions. They are also one of the differentiation possibilities now when markets are saturated and customers base their decisions mainly on intangible aspects of what companies offer. Carefully designed trainings are a basis not only for outstanding service delivery but also for keeping employees’ motivational levels…
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Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries are perceived as attractive markets for expansion by their European neighbors. As European companies become increasingly international so too does the challenge of coordinating global business operations.
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For Austrian (B2B) companies, the increasing prosperity and rapid development of Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries appear to offer rather attractive locations to achieve the goal of becoming competitive market participants.
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