Employers must offer home offices wherever possible. This is provided for by the Corona Occupational Safety and Health Ordinance, which came into force in Germany on January 27th. The ordinance also contains protective measures for those employees whose presence in the company is essential. In addition, employees are not obliged to use home office. Employers must take appropriate measures to ensure equivalent protection for them and for employees who cannot work from home. Employers are obliged to offer home office unless there are compelling operational reasons to the contrary. In addition, there are other reasons why companies cannot offer a home office, e.g. the inadequate broadband expansion in rural regions and the lack of IT infrastructure in companies in which digitization is still in its infancy. The aim of this work is to find out how the employees in marketing and sales assess the efforts of their companies to offer home offices now and in the future. To this end, three hypotheses are made.
1 Introduction
Before any crisis occurs, marketers draw response plans, form crisis teams and prepare model bits and pieces for rapid media response. Never we can be fully prepared for the unexpected. Many businesses were left with not knowing what to do when affected by governmental shutdowns, not knowing what to do with a crisis, which is not internally driven (Štrach 2020). As a result, many companies could not act quickly when the first lockdown was due in 2020. They weren’t digitally transformed enough to offer home offices.
The home office is also known in Germany under the terms “Teleworking” or “e-Work”. Work in the home office is done from home by definition. Employees set up a workplace in their house or apartment and can discuss tasks and goals with the employer via email or telephone. There are two different types of home office in Germany. In home-based teleworking, work is done exclusively from home. In alternating teleworking, the employee works both from home and at the company’s workplace (VFR 2021). The corresponding working days and times are agreed in advance. Below we will talk about alternate teleworking.
Home office is often mentioned in the context of work 4.0. What’s it all about? Work 1.0 denotes the beginning industrial society from the end of the 18th century and the first workers’ organizations. Work 2.0 describes the beginning mass production and the beginnings of the welfare state at the end of the 19th century. Work 3.0 covers the period of consolidation of the welfare state and workers’ rights on the basis of the social market economy. Now the digital change to work 4.0 follows. As a result, work is not only changing in the factory. Digitization has long since reached all industries. Take the office as an example: thanks to digital communication and information technologies, employees can work at different times and in different places, even together in a team or on a project. Working hours and places of work are becoming more flexible. This can make it easier for parents, for example, to combine work and family. But there is also the risk that the boundaries between work and leisure will continue to blur and that there are hardly any rest and relaxation phases due to the constant availability.
What is already normal for many freelancers and start-ups is an insurmountable hurdle for many medium-sized companies. Above all, the disadvantages of working from home are seen here, such as the loss of control and the poor availability of employees. But there is also something moving in medium-sized businesses, not least because of the Corona occupational health and safety regulation, which came into force in Germany on January 27th. The Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs writes the following as an introduction to the regulation:
A hard economic shutdown can only be avoided if the risk of infection at the workplace is reduced. The incidence of infections remains high despite the drastic reduction in contact in many areas of life. Therefore, additional measures are needed, especially at the workplace, to ensure the health protection of employees and to keep companies open. Effective protection in the workplace is important. It is about occupational health and safety for all employees. Home office for everyone who can also perform their tasks at home is a component, because those who work in the home office also protect their colleagues in the company. In the same way, work in the company must also be safe for those who cannot move their jobs home (BMAS 2021).
For marketing and sales employees who are allowed to work from home, it is important to always be connected to the team when working from home and to work as efficiently as in a normal workplace. In addition to the operational, ergonomic and labor law requirements, this naturally also requires the technical, i.e. the right software on the laptop or home computer. Business messengers that include both an instant messenger and a video messenger are ideal here. Common data can be shared in cloud storage. When it comes to coordinating projects, there are special programs that have virtually everything on board for planning, sales and marketing.
1.1 Objective and method
The aim of the study is to examine the changed perception of working in the home office during the Corona crisis and to find out how the home office is used after the crisis. Are more employees being sent to the home office? And are video conferences establishing themselves as an integral part of communication? In order to create a basis for discussion, these questions are condensed into three hypotheses, from which the questions for the online survey result:
H1: „The use of instant messaging, digital events and virtual meetings increased during the corona crisis.“
H2: „The home office will still be used at least once a week after the Corona crisis.“
H3: „Home office is often not allowed, although it is technically possible.“
The work begins with an introduction and the presentation of the objectives in Chapter 1. Chapter 2 shows the structural requirements for working from home. In particular, the technical, ergonomic and labor law requirements are dealt with. Chapter 3 shows the advantages and disadvantages of working from home. Chapter 4 provides an overview of the hypotheses that have been established and the study design is presented. Furthermore, the results of the individual hypotheses are shown and explained to the reader. Chapter 5 summarizes and explains recommendations for action.
2.1 Operational requirements
With a small number of employees, working from home is usually not an option. Certain professional groups are also excluded from working from home. If the employees mainly work in the office in front of the screen, home office can certainly be an option. The home office is particularly suitable for IT developers, salespeople or creative jobs who could basically also work from home. In addition, working from home makes sense if the employees have a long way to work (VFR 2021). Home office is out of the question for 66 percent of employees – people who work on construction sites, in canteens or hospitals, for example. It is important for every fifth person to separate private and professional life. And one in ten cannot work from home at all (ZDF 2021). The Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs describes the requirements as follows: Many activities in production, services, trade, logistics, etc. do not allow you to work from home. There may also be understandable operational reasons in other areas that speak against relocating to the home office. This can be considered, for example, if the operational processes would otherwise be significantly restricted or could not be maintained at all. Examples can be: Secondary activities associated with an office activity such as processing and distributing incoming mail, processing incoming and outgoing goods, counter services for customer and employee contacts that are still required, material issue, repair and maintenance tasks (e.g. IT service ), Caretaker services and emergency services to maintain operations, possibly also ensuring first aid in the company (BMAS 2021).
Employers should provide their employees with home office guidelines to make it easier for them to work securely and in compliance with data protection regulations. Overviews can help to structure the work in the home office and simple measures help to ensure the so-called technical and organizational measures. The employer must of course take and establish some measures. This includes in particular setting up a suitable IT infrastructure, access control, issuing service devices, etc. (Bitkom 2020).
2.2 Technical requirements
In the home office, it is especially important that the employees are available. This can be guaranteed via the Internet and telephone. Ideally, employees make phone calls in the home office as well as in the office: They can be reached under their work number and when they make their own calls, the work number appears and not the private number. The telephone system in the company must regulate this. It is important to check what options the telephone system offers for this. Telephone systems based on VoIP (“Voice over IP”) usually offer a high degree of flexibility. It may be necessary to install apps on the employees’ smartphones that can be used to separate private and business phone numbers (GWG 2021).
Broadband expansion with fiber optics is a prerequisite, especially in urban areas. The question is not whether, but how fast the data will flow. However, many small and medium-sized companies have settled in rural areas. There it must be ensured that both the company and the employee in the home office have sufficient bandwidth. The discrepancy between village and city can be seen in Table 1.
Bandwidth | Urban | Semi-urban | Rural |
≥ 16 Mbit/s | 99.1 | 95.0 | 85.4 |
≥ 30 Mbit/s | 98.3 | 93.0 | 81.6 |
≥ 50 Mbit/s | 97.8 | 90.9 | 77.1 |
≥ 100 Mbit/s | 94.5 | 79.6 | 58.3 |
≥ 200 Mbit/s | 90.9 | 67.3 | 37.6 |
≥ 400 Mbit/s | 85.5 | 53.0 | 21.8 |
≥ 1000 Mbit/s | 74.6 | 37.0 | 16.7 |
Table 1: Broadband availability in Germany by community
Source: BMVI (2020)
Either the company provides the employees with a fully configured computer. Or the employees use their private computers. In any case, a clear technical separation of private and professional use is highly recommended. Otherwise, security problems caused by private use could affect the security of the company – or vice versa (IHK 2021).
Technical or organizational reasons, such as the unavailability of the required IT equipment, necessary changes to the work organization or inadequate qualifications of the employees concerned can usually only be given temporarily until the reason for the prevention has been removed (BMAS 2021). For everyone who is allowed to work in the home office, it is important to always be connected to the team when working from home and to work as efficiently as in a normal workplace. In addition to the requirements mentioned, this naturally also requires the right software on the laptop or home computer.
Short communication channels are important. Business messengers and collaboration tools are ideal here, one of which the company should use together with the entire team, such as Slack, Teams or Hangout. Messenger make it possible to communicate with other participants online in real time using software, the instant messenger. Short text messages are sent to the recipient via a server, to which the recipient can respond immediately. Files can also be exchanged in this way. Most instant messenger programs show which status, e.g. online, not available, absent, etc., the communication partners currently have.
But writing alone is not enough. Often you have to talk to each other to compare projects or to clarify open questions. Of course you can do this by phone, but if you want to look yourself in the face, video calls are the first choice. This is particularly important for meetings and larger conferences. Video calls are already quite easy with the aforementioned messengers Slack, Teams and Hangouts Meet. Zoom and Skype are other tools that can be used. Zoom in particular is particularly suitable for meetings, as there is always a moderator to whom everyone else joins in. You just need the right access link. Whoever is speaking into the microphone, the camera image is shown in large, while all listeners are shown in small format.
When it comes to coordinating projects, there are programs like Asana or Trello. You have practically everything on board for planning, sales and marketing.
Once you are connected and coordinated, at some point you can actually start working together. Documents and tables need to be managed and edited, files need to be moved back and forth. This works best with online storage and its associated tools, where as much data as possible is centrally located in one place that can be processed together with the team. Microsoft Office 365 and Google G Suite offer integrated solutions. But you can also use the Dropbox. Marketing experts who work in Adobe Creative Cloud, for example, can access its integrated storage.
H1: „The use of instant messaging, digital events and virtual meetings increased during the corona crisis.“
2.3 Ergonomic requirements
Ergonomics is a branch of science that deals with the mutual adaptations between people and their working conditions. In practice, ergonomic workplace design means that work should be designed to be as comfortable and health-friendly as possible. The goal is to achieve an ergonomic posture. This is a posture that relieves the joints and should prevent tension. At the workplace in the office, for example, an adapted desk and office chair are essential to avoid back pain, herniated discs, misaligned feet and varicose veins (Funke 2021).
In addition, the employee should set up a workspace for working in the home office. Not every apartment is suitable for home office. In a shared apartment or a small apartment, you usually have no way of moving into a separate study. In the home office, the furniture should always be ergonomic so that you can work the whole day without any problems (VFR 2021).
2.4 Labor law requirements
It should be noted that the same requirements for occupational health and safety apply in the home office as in the company workplace. The requirements for occupational safety also apply in the home office. The employer is obliged to check this. It is therefore advisable to make a written agreement on the home office that regulates the employer’s access authorization after prior notice (IHK 2021).
Employees who work from home receive a contract for the home office from their employer. This is an additional agreement to the regular employment contract. This contract regulates what the workplace should look like. This includes, for example, that the room must be lockable and working hours must be recorded. Any work equipment provided is listed in the additional agreement. In addition, there is usually a clause stating that company equipment may not be used for private use. In addition, a data protection clause is included in the employment contract as a home office regulation. In addition, the employer can revoke the company agreement for home office at any time with a notice period. Depending on what is stipulated in the contract, this may be considered in the event of non-performance of the tasks or if the occupational health and safety regulations are not sufficiently met (VFR 2021). In order to ensure availability, there are certain core working hours in the home office during which the employee must be available and at work.
H2: „The home office will still be used at least once a week after the Corona crisis.“
3 Advantages and disadvantages
The reasons for working from home can be varied for employees. Working from home offers the employee flexible working hours. In this way, children, household and job in particular can be brought under one roof. Employees who would otherwise have spent eight hours in the office can divide them up freely and calmly bring the children to bed in the evening before they go back to work (VFR 2021). In addition, most employees do not have to travel long distances. No waiting in traffic jams for hours and no trains running late – work can be started as soon as you get up. It is also good for the environment if you usually drive to work. So if the car stops, it will be good for the environment (Evtina 2020). This also saves time, which most employees would like to have as leisure time in addition to their job. Further arguments for home office are calm and self-determination. At the workplace in your own home you can work relaxed and undisturbed. There are no colleagues on site who are annoying with noises, conversations or quirks, and employees can concentrate fully on their work. The home office also has the advantage that the employee does not have to sit in an open-plan office with several colleagues (VFR 2021). In open-plan offices one is often disturbed by a strong noise level and it is difficult to concentrate on working (Evtina 2020). It quickly becomes stuffy in the open-plan office, some colleagues are chronically cold, so that it is not possible to air the room regularly without discussion, and due to the proximity to other employees, diseases spread rapidly (VFR 2021).
In principle, however, working from home can also lead to some disadvantages. Home workers have no contact with their colleagues and are socially isolated. In addition, there are some distractions lurking in your own home, such as parcel delivery staff or the laundry that you could briefly line up and hang up. In general, private life and work must be separated from one another. However, this is not that easy in the home office, since people work in the private environment. However, in order to be able to work productively and with concentration, a workspace is ideal. In addition, regular breaks should be taken.
Benefits for employees | Disadvantages for employees |
flexible working hours | often fixed core working hours during which employees must be available to the employer |
no annoying colleagues | social isolation, no internal information |
better compensation for leisure time besides the job | difficulty separating personal and professional life |
creative phases can be used more effectively | often no proper evening is possible – employees think about their work all the time |
independence from weather conditions such as heavy snowfall or icy roads | possible problems with the technology |
higher personal responsibility and more motivation | distractions from household or children possible |
time savings – no commute |
Table 2: Advantages and disadvantages for employees
Source: VFR (2021)
But not only for the employee there are corresponding advantages and disadvantages if a part-time job or a full-time position is pursued in the home office. In principle, working from home has the advantage for employers that they can meet the interests of their employees. This promotes a positive image of the company and staff loyalty. In open-plan offices, employees get sick quickly because they get infected from colleagues. If you work from home, employees are less likely to report sick. Even with a small cold you can work from home without having to go to work stressful. This means that the employer has less absence from work. Employers also save immense costs. For example, a desk, work utensils, PC, laptop, etc. must be provided at a workplace in the company (VFR 2021). However, this only applies if the employee works completely in the home office (Evtina 2020). Many employers also offer drinks and food. Here, too, costs can be saved if the employee is not on site. With a concentrated and undisturbed work environment in the home office, employees are more productive and can do more than when they are sitting in the company’s open-plan office. For the employer, this has the advantage that the tasks can be done faster, more reliably and even better (VFR 2021).
Benefits for employers | Disadvantages for employers |
increased productivity | no control over working hours and tasks completed |
cost savings | insufficient data security |
less lost work | not every employee has the option to set up a separate home office |
staff retention through satisfied employee | the beginning of a shift towards self-employment is conceivable |
positive image of the company | identification of the employee with the company could decrease |
reduction in operational jobs | |
employees can return to work more quickly after parental leave, childcare leave, maternity leave, etc. |
Table 3: Advantages and disadvantages for employers
Source: VFR (2021)
The third hypothesis emerges from weighing the advantages and disadvantages:
H3: „Home office is often not allowed, although it is technically possible.“
4 Survey
The study carried out was aimed at employees who mainly work in the office in front of a screen. The study was carried out in April 2021 using an online questionnaire in a quick poll. Quick polls do not meet the academic requirements as they are not representative. Since the survey was only carried out among employees of various companies in marketing and sales, it gives a good impression of the current status of the use of work in the home office in the companies. In order to find out the use of the home office during and after the Corona crisis, three hypotheses were worked out:
H1: „The use of instant messaging, digital events and virtual meetings increased during the corona crisis.“
H2: „The home office will still be used at least once a week after the Corona crisis.“
H3: „Home office is often not allowed, although it is technically possible.“
Interview participants (s): 60
Survey method: Online questionnaire
Investigation period: April 2021
Hypothesis1: The use of instant messaging, digital events and virtual meetings increased during the corona crisis.
Several times a week | At least 1x per week | Not at all | |
Before the corona crisis? | 30% | 16% | 54% |
How do you use the opportunity today? | 62% | 14% | 24% |
What will it be like after corona crisis? | 54% | 22% | 24% |
Table 4: How often do you use instant messengers and video conferences?
Source: Autor
Instant messengers, digital events and virtual meetings are not new territory in marketing and sales. Even before the Corona crisis, 46 percent of those surveyed worked with the digital instruments at least once a week. In the course of the crisis, habituation began due to increased use. 62 percent of those surveyed currently use the digital tools several times a week. This high level should also be maintained after the crisis. 54 percent will continue to use it several times a week and 22 percent at least once a week. Table 6 also confirms this trend. 78% of those questioned indicate that there will be an increasing focus on the digitization of work processes. The results of the survey support the thesis that the use of digital tools has increased during the Corona crisis and will also be used at a high level in the future.
Hypothesis 2: The home office will still be used at least once a week after the Corona crisis.
April | October | |
flexible change between office and home office | 44% | 57% |
more homeoffice | 41% | 63% |
an increasing focus on the digitization of work processes | 39% | 50% |
business trips (mostly) replaced by virtual meetings | 33% | 43% |
virtual meetings (getting used to digital communication tools) | 43% | 45% |
more flexible time management | 31% | 39% |
digital events (such as workshops, conferences) | 27% | 37% |
increased range of webinars | 25% | 38% |
nothing will change in the long term | 15% | 7% |
Table 5: What will survive the Corona crisis?
Source: Avantgarde (2020)
The evaluation of Table 5 should serve to compare the results of the quick poll in Table 6. There it is stated that the answers to the questions speak a clear language: In addition to a clear increase in almost all points – from home office to digitization to flexible time management – the clearest announcement is that in April 2020 at least 15 percent believed that nothing will change in the long term. In October 2020 it was just seven percent – more than half less. 93 percent of those surveyed are therefore in agreement: The changes that were only made possible by the crisis on a large scale will, in their opinion, establish themselves and enrich the reality of work in the long term (Avantgarde 2020).
flexible change between office and home office | 72% |
more homeoffice | 56% |
an increasing focus on the digitization of work processes | 78% |
business trips (mostly) replaced by virtual meetings | 60% |
virtual meetings (getting used to digital communication tools) | 68% |
more flexible time management | 44% |
digital events (such as workshops, conferences) | 64% |
increased range of webinars | 58% |
nothing will change in the long term | 8% |
Table 6: What will survive the Corona crisis?
Source: Autor
The answers to the quick poll support the thesis that the use of digital tools increased during the crisis and will continue to be used increasingly after the crisis. More than three quarters of those surveyed see an increasing focus on the digitization of work processes. Almost two-thirds of those surveyed believe that even after the crisis there will be more virtual meetings and digital events and that a large part of business trips will be replaced by virtual get-togethers. You will also see a flexible change between office and home office. The flexible time allocation is not seen quite as optimistically. 44 percent of the respondents believe in it. Ultimately, an increase compared to last year’s surveys can be seen in all points. Only 8 percent of those surveyed say that nothing will change.
Several times a week | At least 1x per week | Not at all | |
Before the corona crisis? | 20% | 16% | 64% |
How do you use the opportunity today? | 54% | 14% | 32% |
What will it be like after corona crisis? | 42% | 20% | 38% |
Table 7: How often do you use home office?
Source: Autor
Before the crisis, almost two-thirds of companies that can send their employees to work from home did not think it necessary to let their employees work from home. The reasons for this are diverse. However, the answers from Table 6 allow the conclusion that important work steps were not yet sufficiently digitized. In addition, the digital tools such as virtual meetings and digital events were simply hardly known. This changed with the beginning of the crisis with the first lock down. 54 percent of employees now work from home several times a week. After the crisis it will still be 42 percent. It can be assumed that a model is often chosen that allows flexible switching between office and home office.
The results of the survey support the thesis that working in the home office will continue to be used at least once a week in the future.
Hypothesis 3: Home office is often not allowed, although it is technically possible.
...it is not allowed, although technically possible | 15% |
...it is technically not possible or difficult to implement | 30% |
...it is inappropriate for my job | 55% |
...expect my superiors to be present | 35% |
...I fear career disadvantages | 0% |
Table 8: I don’t work at home because…
Source: Autor
55 percent of the respondents do not work from home because it is inappropriate for the job or does not suit the job. In addition, 35 percent of superiors expect to be present in the office. For 30 percent of those surveyed, it is technically possible, but difficult to implement. Only 15 percent of the participants state that it is not allowed, although it is technically possible. Not a single respondent said they feared career disadvantages.
A study by the Hans Böckler Foundation from autumn 2019 should serve as a comparison: The most common reason for not working from home is the assessment that working from home does not suit the job. This is what almost 80 percent of those questioned said. Almost 70 percent said that being at work is important to the boss. 60 percent considered working from home on their place to be technically impossible. A good 14 percent of those surveyed stated that their job could also be done from their home computer, but that this was not allowed. And almost 6 percent fear for their career opportunities if they do not come to work in the company (Lott and Abendroth 2019).
The thesis that home office is often not allowed, although it is technically possible, is not confirmed. Both the study by the Hans Böckler Foundation from the time before the Corona crisis and the result of the quick survey are showing that only a small percentage of respondents are of the same opinion.
5 Summary
5.1 Theoretical implication
Since the outbreak of the corona virus, more and more people have been working from home. At the same time, it can be seen that not everyone is working from home who could do that. On the one hand, many activities in production, service, trade, logistics, etc. do not allow you to work from home. On the other hand, it has to do with the operational, technical, ergonomic and labor law requirements that the company and its employees have to deal with.
5.2 Practical implication
Those who work in the home office have to take care of the security of their computer and the data connection themselves – otherwise hackers and cyber criminals can have an easy time of it. Ideally, devices such as computers and smartphones should be used that the employer has made available and prepared accordingly (Bitkom 2020). For everyone who is allowed to work in the home office, it is important to always be connected to the team when working from home and to work as efficiently as in a normal workplace. In addition to the requirements mentioned, this naturally also requires the right software on the laptop or home computer. Explained using Microsoft Office 360 as an example, Teams is an instant messenger that can also be used for video calls. This allows conversations between two people as well as entire conferences with several participants. In addition, documents from Word and Excel can be saved and shared in the cloud using One Drive. The planner can be used to plan projects and assign tasks. Provided that broadband is available, there are many advantages that speak in favor of marketing employees being able to go into the home office. On the side of the employee, for example, there are more flexible working hours, more effective use of creative phases and greater personal responsibility. All of this leads to more motivation. It can be disadvantageous that it is often not possible to finish work properly. The employee constantly thinks about work. There are also often difficulties separating private and professional life. Above all, the distraction from children or the household should be mentioned here (VFR 2021).
The evaluation of the study in comparison with previous studies shows that there is an increasing focus on the digitization of work processes and that employees are getting used to the digital means of communication. This increases acceptance. There will be more digital events, digital seminars will be held and business trips can be reduced through digital gatherings. It should also be noted that a flexible change between office and home office could establish itself. This is of particular benefit to commuters in metropolitan areas.
5.3 Restrictions
The survey is a scientific method to obtain information about the level of information, opinions, values, behavior of people or basic demographic data. As a scientific method, they must be carried out according to strict rules. Quick polls do not meet the academic requirements as they are not representative. Since the survey was only carried out among employees of various companies in marketing and sales, it gives a good impression of the current status of the use of work in the home office in the companies.
Literatúra/List of References
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- ZDF, 2021. Arbeiten in der Zukunft – Bleibt das Homeoffice nach der Corona-Krise? 2021. [online]. [cit. 2021-2-9]. Available at: <https://www.zdf.de/nachrichten/wirtschaft/corona-homeoffice-pandemie-arbeit-100.html>
Kľúčové slová/Key words
social media marketing, social networks, social media guidelines, corporate strategy, corporate communication, cultural change, homeoffice
marketing sociálnych médií, sociálne siete, usmernenia sociálnych médií, podniková stratégia, podniková komunikácia, kultúrne zmeny, práca z domu
JEL klasifikácia/JEL Classification
Ako využívajú prácu z domu zamestnanci predaja a marketingu počas korona krízy a ako ho budú využívať po nej?
Zamestnávatelia musia vždy, pokiaľ je to možné, ponúkať prácu z domu. Toto ustanovuje vyhláška o bezpečnosti a ochrane zdravia pri práci počas korona krízy, ktorá v Nemecku vstúpila do platnosti 27. januára. Vyhláška obsahuje aj ochranné opatrenia pre tých zamestnancov, ktorých prítomnosť na pracovisku je nevyhnutná. Zamestnanci navyše nie sú povinní využívať prácu z domu. Zamestnávatelia musia prijať vhodné opatrenia na zabezpečenie rovnocennej ochrany pre nich a pre zamestnancov, ktorí nemôžu pracovať z domu. Zamestnávatelia sú povinní ponúkať prácu z domu, pokiaľ neexistujú závažné dôvody na prevádzke. Okrem toho existujú ďalšie dôvody, prečo spoločnosti nemôžu ponúknuť prácu z domu, napr. neadekvátne rozšírenie širokopásmového pripojenia vo vidieckych regiónoch a nedostatok IT infraštruktúry vo firmách, v ktorých je digitalizácia ešte len v začiatkoch. Cieľom tejto práce je zistiť, ako zamestnanci v oblasti marketingu a predaja hodnotia snahu svojich spoločností ponúkať prácu z domu v súčasnosti i v budúcnosti. Na tento účel sú testované tri hypotézy.
29. March 2021 / 30. March 2021