DictionaryVol 15, Issue 1, 2020 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

L Words

line extension
The line extension was an effective strategy as the brand was strong and customers could buy more products from the company.
Rozšírenie linky bolo účinnou stratégiou, pretože značka bola silná a zákazníci si mohli kúpiť viac produktov od spoločnosti.

line management
líniový manažment
Line management is responsible for managing employees on a day to day basis.

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ReviewVol 15, Issue 1, 2020 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

FOTR, Jiří and SOUČEK, Ivan, 2020. Scénáře pro strategické rozhodování a řízení/Scenarios for Strategic Decision-Making and Management. Prague: Grada Publishing. 235 p. ISBN 978-80-271-2020-8.

The social and economic reality is more and more complex and complicated, particularly, because of the results of scientific-technological development and their almost instant introduction in manufacturing, production and consumption, and so, in the near future, we will face even more complicated relationships, links, structures and dependences on the national as well as global scale.

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Short CommunicationsVol 15, Issue 1, 2020 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

Súťaž PROKOP 2019

PROKOP je prestížnou súťažou najlepších PR projektov na Slovensku, ktorú od roku 2010 vyhlasuje a organizuje Asociácia public relations na Slovensku (APRSR) v spolupráci s odborným mesačníkom Stratégie. Public relations sa čoraz viac stáva dôležitou súčasťou komunikačného mixu a ocenenie PROKOP dáva možnosť predstaviť zaujímavé, kreatívne a inovatívne PR kampane, uskutočnené na Slovensku v aktuálnom roku.

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Short CommunicationsVol 15, Issue 1, 2020 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

Češi a reklama 2020

Česká marketingová společnost vydala tlačovú informáciu, ktorá obsahuje výsledky pravidelného prieskumu zameraného na postoje českej verejnosti k reklame. Z metodiky prieskumu vyplýva, že cieľovou skupinou bola online populácia Českej republiky vo veku nad 15 rokov, metódou zberu údajov bol CAWI Omnibus ppm factum, dáta sa zbierali v čase 10. 1. – 16. 1. 2020.

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Marketing BriefVol 15, Issue 1, 2020 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

Before, during, and after: Marketing amid coronavirus crisis

In the aftermath of shock from the rapid spread of coronavirus, its detrimental effects on human lives and wellbeing, there is time to stop for a moment and think consequences. Certainly, the way we used think and project future from past events will be further challenged. Not globalization, digitalization, global warming, migration issues or the rise of nationalism, but a tiny creature no larger than 0.12 microns …

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Research PaperVol 15, Issue 1, 2020 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

The consumer behavior of young Slovak consumers (under the age of 25) in the private label market

An anonymous questionnaire survey was chosen as the main research method, which was attended by a total of 549 respondents aged under 25 years across Slovakia, which was subsequently supplemented by statistical verification of the formulated hypotheses (a total of twelve hypotheses). Statistical tests such as Pearson Chi-square test, Phi coefficient, Kruskal-Wallis test and Cramer´s V coefficient were used for this verification and they were calculated …

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Research PaperVol 15, Issue 1, 2020 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

The relevance of virtual showrooms for sanitary retail

This study uses five hypotheses to investigate the extent to which virtual showrooms are used in sanitary retail and what benefits they bring to companies. The survey among 250 sanitary retailers is intended to provide answers to questions such as whether the use of virtual showrooms will increase and whether the use of a virtual showroom saves time in the customer service process. It is also interesting to see whether a virtual showroom has a positive effect on perceived customer satisfaction.

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Research PaperVol 15, Issue 1, 2020 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

The dropout in tertiary education at Czech public and private universities as a result of school marketing

The situation of tertiary education in the Czech Republic has changed dramatically in the last 15 years after joining the European Union. The demographic decline of the population, structural changes in the number of employees, the expansion of tertiary education and the impact of economic cycles change the overall extent and structure of the transition of university graduates to the labor market. The resulting changes can lead to serious problems …

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Research PaperVol 15, Issue 1, 2020 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

Publicity as a tool of PR activities within CSR concept in food enterprises in Slovakia

Paper points at the publicity as a tool of public relations (PR) within CSR concept in the practice of food enterprises in Slovakia and analyzes its use in terms of foreign participation, production focus and size of enterprises and subsequently evaluates the benefits of using publicity as a tool of PR within CSR concept. The actual research was implemented in 125 food enterprises.

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