Research PaperVol 15, Issue 2, 2020 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

Empowering customers through education-based videos in e-commerce

Digital marketing is a fascinating discipline. It is getting matured before our eyes and surprises us every day as it is expanding fast into various sub-disciplines. Video marketing is one of them. The objective of this paper is to examine the different marketing functions of video promotion with a special focus on the e-commerce environment. There, it traditionally served customer education …

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Short CommunicationsVol 15, Issue 2, 2020 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

30 let historie ČMS

Vedecký časopis Marketing Science and Inspirations dlhodobo spolupracuje a podporuje aktivity České marketingové společnosti. Keďže náš partner oslavuje významné okrúhle jubileum, České marketingové společnosti prajeme všetko najlepšie. V tejto súvislosti uverejňujeme správu, ktorá podáva čitateľom podrobnejšie informácie o aktivitách partnera.

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Marketing BriefVol 15, Issue 2, 2020 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

On marketing planning: How VUCA has faded into oblivion to re-emerged as a new normal

The acronym of VUCA stands for Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity. It has been proposed as early as 1987 by Warren Bennis and Burt Nanus alerting leaders to the need for highly flexible, vibrant, agile and adaptive style of acting and thinking. Such a notion was a little premature at that time, where the only disappearing anchor of the world order was the dissipating bipolar world divided between two world superpowers …

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Research PaperVol 15, Issue 2, 2020 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

Service innovation across borders: Challenges and potentials of service innovation collaboration in Upper Austria and South Bohemia

In an increasingly globalized and competitive environment, it is essential that geographical regions pool available resources and create synergies in service innovation management in order to sustain an innovative edge. Collaborative innovation management entails substantial synergies, especially for connected regions. However, existing potentials of such a cross-border innovation collaboration system have …

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Research PaperVol 15, Issue 2, 2020 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

Role of regional tourism organizations in Slovakia from their perspective

Destinations play a key role in tourism system with destination management organizations (DMOs) as entities responsible for finding the intersection between supply side (destination with its offer) and demand side (visitors) in destinations which they manage. DMOs perform various functions and have various roles in tourism system. Authors dealing with destination management mention several DMOs’ functions and roles.

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Research PaperVol 15, Issue 2, 2020 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

Postoje obyvateľov hlavného miesta Slovenskej republiky voči vybraným témam reklamy. Časť I.

V rámci procesu realizácie reklamnej kampane majú participujúce strany, primárne zadávateľ reklamy a reklamná agentúra, resp. komunikačná agentúra spoločenskú zodpovednosť, ktorá sa prejavuje v etickej rovine. Keďže realizácia reklamnej kampane je iniciovaná konkrétnym podnikom, či iným zadávateľom, jej recipienti či samotná cieľová skupina ju namiesto akceptácie nielenže …

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Research PaperVol 15, Issue 2, 2020 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

Digital transformation in B2B sales – differences and best practices in three different European countries

There has been an increasing discussion around B2B sales and the need for its digital transformation as it may strongly accelerate company’s performance. Because sales is an essential element of business growth, it is important to study B2B sales and the level of digital transformation on a country-specific level. For this purpose, we studied the role of digital transformation …

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Research PaperVol 15, Issue 2, 2020 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

Priorities when looking for servitization in the mechanical engineering industry

The necessity of a holistic framework for servitization and the discussion and classification of the associated measures for the development of a servitization strategy to expand the business areas in mechanical engineering is implicit. This is particularly relevant as servitization must take into account both business models (BM) and organizational change. This paper, therefore, sets out to investigate crucial measures …

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Short CommunicationsVol 15, Issue 2, 2020 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

Přípravy na marketéra roku pokračují

Vedecký časopis Marketing Science and Inspirations ako mediálny partner podporuje súťaž České marketingové společnosti aj v roku 2020. Organizátor súťaže vydal tlačovú správu o prípravách súťaže. 8. října 2020 je nové datum spojené s letošní soutěží Marketér roku 2019. Budou vyhlášeny výsledky. Události posledních dní, týdnů a měsíců zasáhly do běžného života každého z nás.

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