Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

Co-creating sales management curricula with practitioners – insights on competencies for future sales managers. Part I.

The dynamic field of sales is experiencing a transformation, necessitating a nuanced approach to sales management education. This research employs an exploratory workshop methodology to identify the core competencies required of future sales managers, aiming to bridge the gap between academic rigor and industry relevance.

Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

Educating future managers for a culturally diverse workspace: Using course as a living laboratory

Based on the findings, a course design is suggested where exposure to cultural diversity is guided and facilitated by bringing students to collaborate in an assignment-driven context, with a culturally diverse group composition. Lecture-based components of the course are balanced with the addition of a component of self-reflection assignment, providing both culturally specific and general knowledge, thus contributing to the ability to extrapolate the experience on future intercultural encounters.