Gender and generation differences in university students’ word-of-mouth willingness
Student loyalty in the higher education sector helps college administrators to establish long-term relationships with both current and former students.
Student loyalty in the higher education sector helps college administrators to establish long-term relationships with both current and former students.
The method of System Dynamics is applied to study the impact of word-of mouth on sales over time. Five simulations (or experiments) are run under different assumptions. The outcomes show a significant leverage effect of WOM: Depending on Customer Involvement, Product Life Cycle and Customer Satisfaction, the market development of a New-Product-Introduction varies between 11.0 and 59.3 percent…
Marketingové problémy predmetu s názvom Etický hacking, ktorý je vyučovaný na Fakulte managementu Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave sú obsahom predkladaného príspevku. Východiskom je pochopenie aktuálnosti a potenciál inovatívnosti témy etického hackingu v súvislosti s prácou manažéra a následne priblíženie priebehu výučby tohto predmetu. Vzdelávanie študentov prebieha bezpečne pomocou systému…