Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

Characteristics of research on green marketing. Theoretical study.

The article highlights how the idea of sustainability has become an integral part of the business economy, presenting more effective strategies that can be adopted within companies to gain increasingly competitive advantages linked to sustainability. The concept of green marketing, focused on promoting products and services with low environmental impact, is gaining increasing relevance in this context.

Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

Green marketing and its impact on consumer buying behavior in city of Muntinlupa, Philippines. Part II.

The purpose of this paper is to provide a comprehensive literature review of green marketing, eco-friendly products, and green consumers aims to give information about the effect of green marketing on customers purchasing behaviors. First of all, environment and environmental problems, one of the reasons why green marketing emerged, are mentioned, and then the concepts of green marketing and green consumer are explained.

Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

Green marketing and its impact on consumer buying behavior in city of Muntinlupa, Philippines. Part I.

The purpose of this paper is to provide a comprehensive literature review of green marketing, eco-friendly products, and green consumers aims to give information about the effect of green marketing on customers purchasing behaviors. First of all, environment and environmental problems, one of the reasons why green marketing emerged, are mentioned, and then the concepts of green marketing and green consumer are explained.

Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

The interest of different generations of Czech consumers in certified products and environmental organizations

Green consumers’ behavior is still the black box for green marketing. The environmental aspect influences many purchase decisions. How do Czech consumer really think in relation to environmental questions? This paper aims to describe some of the fundamental green activities of the Czech consumer in correlation to …

Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

Zelená řešení v automobilovém průmyslu jako součást společenské odpovědnosti firem

Společenská odpovědnost firem je v marketingu stále diskutovanějším tématem. Její součástí je kromě sociální a ekonomické oblasti právě ochrana životního prostředí, tedy environmentální odpovědnost. Ve spojení s automobilovým průmyslem jde především o vývoj automobilů v oblasti emisí. Tento článek se zabývá otázkou zelených řešení, která na světovém trhu fungují a měla by se stát součástí nových strategií většiny výrobců v rozvinutých zemích.