The main purpose of this research is to highlight the role of sustainable marketing and strategy as business disciplines, oriented to develop solid strategies aimed at meeting the corporate objectives and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030 of the United Nations. This work, in its initial stages, is focusing on documenting the experiences of entrepreneurs and organizations from various industries in Baja California, Mexico, such as medical, maquila, transportation, electronics, electro domestics, restaurants, quality, entrepreneurship, among other relevant local industries. With this, it ca n be implied that sustainable precepts, according to SDGs 2030, are a parameter of certainty that companies and the private sector can take advantage to rethink their traditional objectives and generate strategies focused on sustainable development. And it is in this balance where the efforts of those companies defined or conceptualized as sustainable are mainly concentrated. To visualize how the companies participating in the study plan to integrate their objectives and strategies into the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (UN), a qualitative study (focus group session) with 11 participants of different industries and corporate concepts is presented with its results. Participants are part of an academic course (Sustainable Business), which is aimed to improve conscience and value of sustainable precepts applied to business. The main results of the focus group establish the testimony of participants, who enhance the strategic planning elements of their companies and their business objectives that can be matched with the United Nations (UN) SDGs 2030. Also, results show the application of these objectives to create innovative strategies of business and marketing with a sustainable approach and orientation.
1 Introduction
Sustainability and marketing are business strategic concepts that create and provide value to contemporary enterprises. The American Marketing Association (2013) defines marketing as follows:
„The activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offers that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large.”
Kotler and Keller (2016) also mention the importance of the creation, communication, and delivery of value to customers. The influence of marketing is oriented mainly to satisfy stakeholders and society at large in a value creation ecosystem. As Sivarajah et al. (2020) state, it is very important not only to create actions oriented to business and sustainability, but also it is very relevant to communicate and deliver value to consumers and society at large.
On the other hand, sustainability and sustainable development are concepts that can be defined according to the context and research area that is considered. For instance, Brown, Hanson, Liverman and Merideth, Jr. (1987) define the perspective of sustainable world as follows:
„One in which humans can survive without jeopardizing the continued survival of future generations of humans in a healthy environment.”
Sustainability also influences individual decision-making, reaching the family, individual and general citizen level. The World Commission on Environment and Development, in its report entitled „Our Common Future“ (1987), defines sustainable development as „meeting the needs of the present generations without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”.
That is why, starting from a clarity in the definitions of marketing and sustainable development, a research opportunity is glimpsed to strengthen the transcendental role of companies with the creation, communication and delivery of superior value that will be required by future generations and more specifically, by its consumers and society at large. Creating the present welfare is promoting a better future for generations. And enterprises are not an exception: they are created to overcome time and the existing restrictions prevailing in the global business arena. Regarding the interest aroused by the topic of business and sustainability, Schaltegger, Hansen, and Lüdeke Freund (2016) establish the following:
„Business models are particularly relevant in the context of sustainability because they emphasize the logic of value creation of a company.”
2 The role of sustainable marketing and SDG 2030 in the value creation
Starting from the definitions of marketing and sustainable business, the development of marketing strategies can be directly focused to enable a company to have a sustainable approach. By incorporating the reduction of excessive consumption materials, influencing a reduction in emissions and carbon footprint, and interacting in a healthy way with its stakeholders and with its economic, social, and ecological environment, marketing becomes an indispensable discipline to generate superior value throughout the structure of the companies.
In times of economic crisis, such as the one experienced today mainly due to the COVID19 pandemic, it is crucial to address the main problems of uncertainty and poverty generated by the lack of economic activation and confinement, which are aspects that are also within the field of marketing attention with a sustainable approach. In this regard, Kirchgeorg and Winn (2006) define sustainable marketing:
„The planning, coordination, implementation and control of all market transactions, in such a way that a sustained satisfaction of consumers is achieved, and the achievement of corporate objectives is guaranteed, and, at the same time, the reduction of social and ecological impact, in such a way as to promote the restoration of ecological and social health.”
Planning and coordination of market transactions and business actions require frameworks to direct efforts of companies, consumers, and stakeholders. Hence, it is necessary to provide precise objectives and targets to accomplish. According to this, seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were proposed by the United Nations to give direction and perspective to humankind. The SDGs are: 1) No poverty, 2) Zero hunger, 3) Good health and well-being, 4) Quality education, 5) Gender equality, 6) Clean water and sanitation, 7) Affordable and clean energy, 8) Decent work and economic growth, 9) Industry, innovation and infrastructure, 10) Reduced inequalities, 11) Sustainable cities and communities, 12) Responsible consumption and production, 13) Climate action, 14) Life below water, 15) Life on land, 16) Peace, justice and strong institutions, 17) Partnerships for the goals. As stated by Khalique, Madan, Puri and Parimoo (2021), the SDGs are willing to encompass economical, societal, and environmental dimensions that can help to improve quality of life for future generations and stakeholders around companies.
With this, it is proposed to carry out a study of theoretical-practical content where some insights followed by the managers and participants of the undergraduate Sustainable Business course will be exposed to adapt or create new objectives with a sustainable approach, and the results they hope to obtain in the short, medium, and long term with the implementation of the new objectives and strategies attached to the UN SDGs 2030.
3 Methodology
3.1 Specific findings and research orientation
3.1.1 Focus groups
To clearly visualize how participants and companies included in the study plan to integrate their objectives and strategies to the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a compilation of academic projects (theoretical/practical) already created in advance and where they have been applied has been carried out. The diffusion and use of the opinions, concepts and reality of marketing and sustainability within the companies has been authorized for research and academic purposes. To obtain the key insights of the participants about this topic, a qualitative methodology was considered to understand the sustainability adoption and insights of participants.
Specifically, it was considered the focus group as the chosen qualitative technique. The American Psychological Association (2022) defines a focus group as follows:
„A small set of people, typically 8 to 12 in a number, who share characteristics and are selected to discuss a topic of which they have personal experience. A leader conducts the discussion and keeps it on target while also encouraging free-flowing, open debate. Originally used in marketing to determine consumer response to particular products, focus groups are now used for determining typical reactions, adaptations, and solutions to any number of issues, events, or topics and are associated particularly with qualitative research.”
3.1.2 Research main objectives
The objectives of research are the following:
• Obtain from participants relevant sustainable strategies aimed at meeting the objectives set by the companies.
• Establish which are the key concepts that are related to sustainability, according to the participants’ perspectives expressed in the focus group.
• Show specific examples of the development of marketing strategies with a sustainable approach that are derived from the rethinking of the objectives, according to SDGs 2030.
• Classify the main strategies applied by the companies to promote superior value to the customers.
3.1.3 Sample
Considering the characteristics of an ideal sample, this focus group included 11 participants. Participants were students of the subject Sustainable Business at executive university level (oriented to adults that work and, due to work and other circumstances, they have decided to study the major mainly in the afternoon and night). The focus group lasted 40 minutes.
Participants’ age was between 28 and 55 years old. 45% of participants were female and 55% male. Participants of the focus group stated that they work in different industries, such as health, technology, maquila, electronics, and transportation. Even, some of them mentioned that they are entrepreneurs or participants in the creation of startups and new business concepts. The key characteristics were summarized in the following table:
# | Participants | Age | Industry | Function |
1 | Female | 51 | Health | Co-founder |
2 | Male | 50 | Transportation | Director |
3 | Female | 40 | Maquila | HR Manager |
4 | Female | 36 | Manufacture | Analyst |
5 | Female | 29 | Maquila | Manager CS |
6 | Male | 37 | Electro domestics | Engineering |
7 | Male | 28 | Technology | Technician |
8 | Male | 35 | Electronics | Manager tech. |
9 | Male | 27 | Transportation | Operations US |
10 | Male | - | Entrepreneur | Entrepreneur |
11 | Female | - | - | Coordinator |
Table 1: Participants focus group (main profile of participants – focus group demographics)
Source: Author
3.1.4 Data analysis
Review of results were considered, as the dynamics of the focus group was feasible only by zoom, due to the sanitary emergency. The analysis included a correct identification of general topics and student experiential attitudes toward the course. Arguments of participants during the session were included in the results’ section.
4 Results
The key points stated for the exchange of ideas and discussion in the focus group were the following:
(1) Sustainability relevance for life and business
(2) Key words related to sustainability
(3) Business and sustainability
(4) Implementation of business or marketing sustainable strategies and SDGs 2030
According to these topics, the results are stated as follows.
4.1 Sustainability relevance for life and business
In the first part of the discussion, some participants mentioned the importance of sustainability in their companies. The relevance to switch and prioritize the principles of sustainability was enhanced by this testimonial:
„If we continue in the same way, we are going to lose a great opportunity for us, our environment is the most important thing because we can be very profitable in the economic issue. We can make a lot of progress in the social aspects, but if the environment is being demerited, then nothing makes sense.” (female, 51 years old, health industry)
Also, some of the participants mentioned that sustainability should be not optional, but a mandatory concept within nowadays companies’ philosophy:
„In order to complement a little bit this aspect, I think that it is necessary to make sustainability a mandatory concept for enterprises. Hum…I would like that my classmates, who are already managers and entrepreneurs, take this into consideration. They are the ones who can make the difference and change nowadays reality. Also, employees can also make suggestions to make the difference. Finally, the legal variable is one that I consider important to complement the course. I mean, if there are (or not) laws that motivate or even force companies to be sustainable.” (female, 29 years old, maquila)
4.2 Key words related to sustainability
Brainstorming technique was applied to get the first word that the participants relate to sustainability as a concept. According to Goldenberg and Wiley (2011), brainstorming, a technique stated in 1953, is relevant nowadays due to the large number of ideas and the freedom to express them in a group.
The main concepts that are related to sustainability, according to participants of the focus group, are the following:
Society | Economy | Environment | Ecology | Renewable energies |
Profitable companies | Social awareness | Carbon footprint | Competitiveness | Enterprises |
Resources | Social development | Technology | Modernity | Human survival |
Future | Welfare | Economic growth |
Table 2: Key words to sustainability
Source: Author
4.3 Business and sustainability
Considering the meaning of what represents to be a sustainable company, private organizations can propose different strategies, at the same time innovative and practical. According to this, Estrella & González (2014) propose this definition of sustainable company:
„A sustainable enterprise incorporates an integral vision of all processes, reduces consumption levels of materials that are employed for production processes, incorporates clean technologies to reduce emissions and the carbon footprint, and establishes a solid chain with suppliers, distributors and buyers that, in the same way, have a sustainability commitment because they are certified to do so.”
Moreover, the next testimonial of participants enhances the relationship of business and sustainability, specifically considering the importance of clean energies within the enterprises:
„It seems that today there are companies that are dedicated to installing solar systems for companies, so that greatly reduces the impact that electricity causes to the planet, which is one of the things that most damages our environment. Nowadays, even in the smallest and remote towns, thanks to the solar panels there is light for citizens and people in several remote places in Mexico.” (female, student)
4.4 Implementation of business or marketing sustainable strategies and SDGs 2030
Every strategy that is willing to accomplish goals and provide value to customers can be considered a successful business or marketing strategy. And the faster to adopt them, the better. As stated by Kumar, et al. (2012):
„The companies are slow in adopting this concept in marketing strategy. Despite the emergence of sustainability in 1987, companies are planning to make best use of it in their marketing strategy. The companies must give importance to sustainability issues as its importance has already realized. It is a win-win approach both from the side of company and customers.”
Some participants mentioned the importance to implement strategies, and how the companies are introducing sustainability as a differentiator and a disruptive focus. As stated in the next testimonial, sustainability, marketing, and business bring integral solutions to consumers and companies:
„In my company they made a big change. All the plants are already installing solar panels so that the company is 100% solar energy. It is something big that you want to do immediately. It is very motivating to see how they are transforming it. The investment was significant, but it was worth it to differentiate and provide value to customers at the end of the value chain. This relevant action is related to the SDG #7 – affordable and clean energy.” (female, 36 years old, quality projects)
Depending on the industry there are different aspects to consider about sustainability and environmental solutions. For instance, transportation is an industry closely related to SDGs 2030. This industry reflects that taking care of the environment is very important to lower the individual and collective carbon footprint:
„For me, the goal of sustainable cities and communities (SDG #11) has a lot to do with the issue of transportation. This is important because it also forces you to have the necessary systems so that the units pollute less. Consequently, you can also adhere to all these ecological and sustainable standards for the correct issue of fuel, oils and all materials that are highly polluting.” (male, 50 years old, transportation)
This argument is supported by studies that confirm the importance to adopt strategies efficiently. According to Kumar, et al. (2012), corporate strategies should be adopted faster and in a better way considering the relevance of the strategy:
„Sustainability can be implemented in strategy when the companies will adopt it in their business practices.”
5 Conclusions
There is an opportunity to improve sustainable business or marketing culture of value in the specific companies considered in this particular study in Baja California, Mexico. Moreover, the required sustainable culture is not very present in these companies yet, but participants consider including them and reinforce these concepts in their philosophy and strategic planning. As stated in the following testimonial:
„I think that we lack a lot of culture of sustainability. It is a concept that is not new, but we still have a long way to go. It is very interesting to know that principles such as economics (marketing), ecology and society join to provide value. There is still a lot of work to do in the future about sustainable culture in Mexican companies and around the world in my opinion.” (male, 50 years old, transportation)
Sustainable culture can be enhanced by communicating past and recent research about the topic to practitioners and companies. For instance, to improve the importance of the relationship between sustainability and enterprises, Russo (2008) has created a set of readings and cases oriented to illustrate the importance of contemporary disciplines, such as environmental management. With these readings and cases, culture within universities and people interested in this relevant topic can know more and communicate the importance of business areas and sustainability. All these areas will enhance the strategic strength and results of the contemporary enterprises.
Another relevant conclusion is that all participants in the focus group expressed the usefulness of creating solid bonds between their traditional processes, marketing, and sustainability. Superior value is seen in the reorientation of the key aspect of strategic planning of the company, such as the mission and vision statements. And moreover, in the future replacement of the past objectives and strategies to the new orientation of corporate objectives linked to SDGs 2030.
Participants reflected relevant key words and free associations related to sustainability. The concepts that are shared by most of the participants are: environment, social awareness, and competitiveness. Other concepts such as the carbon footprint and technology are implied in most of their reflections after the course of Sustainable Business.
Other aspects that were enhanced by participants is the need to measure the quality and quantity of sustainability in the companies. Certifications and processes to evaluate the sustainability variables is necessary, with the intention to measure accurately the progress of the studied companies after installing a sustainability program. As stated by some of the participants, contemporary enterprises must adopt a new mindset for future challenges. As stated by Rudawska (2018):
„Business in the twenty first century must respond to legitimate demands of their environment and take up responsibility of the societies they operate in. There are two key motives for doing so: conviction and their own self-interest. Conviction because sustainability must constitute the nucleus of their business model.”
Literatúra/List of References
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Kľúčové slová/Key words
sustainable marketing, sustainable development goals, corporate concepts, innovative strategies, Mexico
udržateľný marketing, ciele udržateľného rozvoja, podnikové koncepty, inovatívne stratégie, Mexiko
JEL klasifikácia/JEL Classification
Kvalitatívna štúdia o udržateľnom marketingu a stratégii aplikovanej na vytváranie hodnoty podľa SDGs 2030
Hlavným cieľom tohto výskumu je poukázať na úlohu udržateľného marketingu a stratégie ako podnikateľských disciplín zameraných na rozvoj spoľahlivých stratégií zameraných na plnenie podnikových cieľov a cieľov udržateľného rozvoja (SDGs) 2030 Organizácie Spojených národov. Táto práca sa vo svojej počiatočnej fáze zameriava na zdokumentovanie skúseností podnikateľov a organizácií z rôznych odvetví v Baja California v Mexiku, ako sú zdravotníctvo, maquila (pozn. výrobný podnik v bezcolnom pásme), doprava, elektronika, elektrodomácnosť, reštaurácie, kvalita, podnikanie, popri ďalších relevantných miestnych odvetviach. Z toho možno vyvodiť, že udržateľné predsavzatia podľa SDGs 2030 sú parametrom istoty, ktorý môžu spoločnosti a súkromný sektor využiť na prehodnotenie svojich tradičných cieľov a generovanie stratégií zameraných na udržateľný rozvoj. A práve v tejto rovnováhe sa sústreďuje najmä úsilie tých spoločností, ktoré sú definované alebo koncipované ako udržateľné. S cieľom vizualizovať, ako spoločnosti zúčastnené na štúdii plánujú integrovať svoje ciele a stratégie do cieľov udržateľného rozvoja do roku 2030 (OSN), sa prezentuje kvalitatívna štúdia (realizácia focus group) s 11 účastníkmi z rôznych odvetví a koncepcií spoločností a jej výsledky. Účastníci sú súčasťou akademického kurzu (Udržateľné podnikanie), ktorého cieľom je zlepšiť hodnotu udržateľných predsavzatí aplikovaných na podnikanie. Hlavné výsledky prieskumu formou focus group stanovujú výpovede účastníkov, ktorí zlepšujú prvky strategického plánovania svojich spoločností a svoje podnikateľské ciele, ktoré možno zosúladiť s cieľmi udržateľného rozvoja OSN (SDGs 2030). Výsledky tiež poukazujú na aplikáciu týchto cieľov na vytvorenie inovatívnych stratégií podnikania a marketingu s udržateľným prístupom a orientáciou.
21. February 2022 / 11. March 2022