Simon Cowell, a global entertainer, designed a TV show called X Factor some 19 years ago. Since it has scouted rare talents all around the world. X Factor is something noteworthy or special. It is a quality which is hard to describe, yet all of us would like to have it.
Letter X has been a powerful weapon in marketing for decades. Words such as eXtra, eXclusive, eXpertise, eXcitement or eXperience have been popular jargon among marketing professionals. Marketers play with the symbolism of “X” to evoke curiosity or intrigue in their branding. Product names containing “X” make them sound modern, innovative, or cutting-edge – just recall iPhone X, Tesla X, or the X box. Generation X is a label for a specific demographic group born between the mid-1960s and early 1980s – the main consumer group in recent times. Connecting with customers is a fundamental aspect of building strong and lasting relationships in business. Effective customer connections lead to loyalty, repeat business, and positive word-of-mouth referrals. The ultimate goal of marketing is the never-ending search for more effective, innovative and usable recipes for market success.
Lately, marketing dictionary has been frequented with X-containing acronyms such as UX, CX, and BX. User Experience (UX) primarily pertains to the interaction between a user and a specific product or service. It focuses on the technical interface when consuming a (digital) product through a website or an app. Usability and accessibility are key domains of UX. UX designers aim to create intuitive, user-friendly interfaces that provide a positive and efficient experience for users. Key metrics for evaluating UX include user satisfaction, task completion rates, and ease of use. Customer Experience (CX) is a broader concept that encompasses the entire customer journey with all touchpoints and interactions that a customer has throughout their relationship with the business, both online and offline. CX relates to both online and physical interactions with multiple departments within an organization, from marketing and sales to customer support and product development. CX may be assessed through customer satisfaction, Net Promoter Score (NPS) and/or customer loyalty. Brand Experience (BX) focuses on the perception and emotional connection. It encompasses the overall image and values associated with the brand. Brand experience is the emotions, sensations and the impressions that last. BX aims to create a strong and positive brand identity, fostering customer loyalty and advocacy. Key metrics for evaluating BX include brand awareness, brand equity, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty.
UX, CX, and BX are being usually discussed in this particularly misleading order. All three concepts are naturally related and connected through the emphasis on customer satisfaction and loyalty. The broadest, most complex, and possibly most strategic “experience” of all is the BX. BX shall be the primary focus. CX shall ensure delivery of consistent appealing BX along the customer journey. UX is concerned with digital touchpoints on that journey. One can perhaps argue that big things start from humble beginnings (i.e. that overall brand experience begins with easy intuitive first digital user experience). However, that would mean that a picture is based on a single piece of the entire jigsaw puzzle.
Sometimes, individual puzzle elements do not have the same tone, shade, or color as most of the picture. At other times, one or the other puzzle element gets misplaced. However, if there is the big picture, it becomes clear which part of the puzzle is missing and how that part is supposed to look like. Whereas user experience may be more easily emulated and imitated, the entire brand experience is likely to linger around for long without being contested by others.
X faktor: Jak zvládat tajemství úspěšného spojení se zákazníkem
X faktor není jen populárním globálním televizním formátem, ale především výrazem, který označuje něco zvláštního, speciálního a tajemného, kvalitu či talent, které je těžké napodobit. Možná i to je důvodem vysoké četnosti písmene X v marketingu a marketingové komunikaci. Poslední dobou se staly populárními akronymy v diskusích UX (user experience), CX (customer experience) a BX (brand experience) jako označení pro přístupy k budování zákaznické spokojenosti. Jak tyto přístupy propojit a kde začít?