ReviewVol 11, Issue 3, 2016 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

Michael, Parker, 2016. Není důležité, co říkate, ale jak to říkate! Praha: Naše vojsko, 2016. 152 s. ISBN 978- 80-206-1614-2.

Magdaléna Samuhelová

Táto knižka môže byť veľmi zaujímavá pre tých, ktorí sa uchádzajú o zamestnanie, ktorí plánujú sebaprezentáciu, ktorí plánujú vystúpiť pred jedným divákom, alebo pred tisícimi poslucháčmi, pretože je praktickou príručkou ako to úspešne uskutočniť. Napísal ju jeden z najskúsenejších britských lektorov prezentačných zručností, ktorý vyše dvadsať rokov pracoval v reklamnej agentúre Saatchi & Saatchi.

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Short CommunicationsVol 11, Issue 3, 2016 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

Festival Cannes in Prague chce prispieť k úspechu českej reklamy

Česká spoločnosť Lionhearted a hnutie AdHackers sa rozhodli prispieť k úspechu českej reklamy a v dňoch 9. – 11. novembra predstavia to najlepšie z tohtoročného kreatívneho festivalu Cannes Lions priamo v Prahe. Festival Cannes in Praque začne inšpiratívnou konferenciou Creativity Booster Day a bude nasledovaný dvoma dňami kreatívnych workshopov BriefFest.

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Marketing BriefVol 11, Issue 3, 2016 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

Upgrading shopping experience: The desire of being someone else

For some, shopping is a delight. For others, walking down the alley full of groceries or trying yet another pair of jeans are a nuisance. Elevating customer experiences has become a common agenda for many retail chains. Since 1980s, upscale as well as mid-market hotels have been trying to immerse their customers in the physical environment full of luxury and distinction.

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Research PaperVol 11, Issue 3, 2016 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

Exorcising dust – a reflection on cultural differences in understanding ads

The paper at hand demonstrates a methodology of teaching intercultural differences, based on an exercise using the analysis of advertisements. The method was used in two MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) called cope 14 and cope 15 and, in slightly adapted form, in a lecture in cross-cultural management on Bachelor Level. This method aims at reflecting the own expectations on how the other side will react to different marketing messages and to learn about cultural differences…

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Research PaperVol 11, Issue 3, 2016 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

How do managers work with digital communication media in international business relationships? Focus group results of managers’ experiences of digital media use for relationship building.

In a qualitative study about international business negotiations and personal business relationships carried out a few years ago, results showed that relationship building and maintenance was something that occupied most international negotiators’ minds. It was stressed that meeting in person with due frequency was a requirement…

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