Research PaperVol 18, Issue 3, 2023 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

Developing a growth marketing approach to B2B customer retention: Case Algeria

This study aims to understand how companies can put growth hacking into practice, by identifying the specific strategies used. The research findings enabled us to understand growth hacking, identify various growth hacking strategies and develop a growth hacking strategy for customer retention in B2B.

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Research PaperVol 18, Issue 3, 2023 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

Maximizing business potential: The symbiotic relationship between employee training and business success

This article serves as a valuable resource for business leaders, HR professionals, sales managers, educators, and researchers looking to understand and harness the interplay between employee development and business success to navigate the dynamic business world effectively.

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Marketing BriefVol 18, Issue 3, 2023 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Article 1

X Factor: Mastering the mystery of successful customer connections

Letter X has been a powerful weapon in marketing for decades. Words such as eXtra, eXclusive, eXpertise, eXcitement or eXperience have been popular jargon among marketing professionals. Marketers play with the symbolism of “X” to evoke curiosity or intrigue in their branding. Product names containing “X” make them sound modern, innovative, or cutting-edge – just recall iPhone X, Tesla X, or the X box.

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Short CommunicationsVol 18, Issue 3, 2023 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

Súťaž FLEMA Media Awards 2023

Tento rok sa odohral osemnásty ročník súťaže FLEMA. Ide o súťaž organizovanú v Českej a Slovenskej republike, ktorá sa zameriava na mediálne kampane a využitie jednotlivých mediatypov. Vďaka tomu umožňuje porovnanie úrovne mediálneho plánovania a inovatívnych komunikačných stratégií v oboch krajinách.

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ReviewVol 18, Issue 3, 2023 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

ŠTARCHOŇ, PETER, PŠENÁK, PETER a MIKLOŠÍK, ANDREJ, 2022. Medzigeneračné rozdiely v správaní slovenských spotrebiteľov. Zlín: Radim Bačuvčík – VeRBuM. 102 s. ISBN 978-80-88356-09-7.

Publikácia je napísaná prehľadným a pútavým spôsobom, na úrovni najnovších poznatkov vedy a praxe. Monografia zaujme logickosťou výkladu, prehľadnou metodológiou a uceleným prístupom k problematike spotrebiteľského správania a jeho skúmania, čo ju predurčuje byť adekvátnou pomôckou nielen pre vedeckú a akademickú obec, ale aj pre odbornú verejnosť.

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Research PaperVol 18, Issue 3, 2023 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

Factors affecting the communication mix of small businesses in the selected industry

The presented article focuses on the issue of communication mix in small businesses in the brewing industry in Czech Republic, this group is represented by microbreweries. The aim of the research was to analyze marketing mix in this group of companies. They have a very similar parameters and serve a similar market, but there are differences in their communication mixes.

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Research PaperVol 18, Issue 3, 2023 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

A descriptive study on Turkish young consumers’ soft drink buying behaviors

The aim of the study was to analyze young consumers’ soft drink buying behaviors in threefold by explaining reasons of buying soft drinks, factors that affect soft drink buying decisions, and preferences about ingredients in soft drinks. The survey method was used, and the field study was conducted with university students in Izmir City, Turkiye by convenience sampling method.

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