I words
insurance – poistenie. The company has taken out insurance to protect itself against the unauthorized activities of its employees. Spoločnosť uzavrela poistenie, aby sa ochránila pred neoprávnenými aktivitami svojich zamestnancov.
insurance – poistenie. The company has taken out insurance to protect itself against the unauthorized activities of its employees. Spoločnosť uzavrela poistenie, aby sa ochránila pred neoprávnenými aktivitami svojich zamestnancov.
Recenzovanú knihu napísal renomovaný český autor, ktorý sa dlhodobo zaoberá problematikou public relations…
Ze zkušeností soudím, že jen málokdy se čtenář setkává s novými knižními odbornými tituly, které…
There aren’t marketing without sales. Selling requires persistence to perform a number of tedious, time-consuming, and repetitive tasks ranging from scheduling appointments, sending follow-up emails, to permanent adjustment of sales offers.
The goal of this article is: “To explain, how is the Crypto World working Today, why is this such a hot topic at the moment and how the companies are using marketing before and during the emission of new crypto currency or new token.
The interpretation of economic questions represented by Islamic religion, especially due to the global political situation of our era, stands for an extremely popular topic in the international academic life.
The smartphone is the most personal of all devices and for many of its users has long become the most important access to the internet. The usage is characterized by many short and targeted accesses.
V predchádzajúcom čísle sme publikovali prvý z troch článkov, ktoré sú zamerané na porovnanie hodnôt, názorov a postojov medzi slovenskými respondentmi a respondentmi z arabských krajín.
Green marketing is part of a marketer’s decisions and attitudes. Green solutions in the production process support the idea of being eco-friendly. Being green is a big challenge in the strategic planning of the auto makers and therefore, they are expected…
Česká marketingová společnost vydala tlačovú informáciu, ktorá obsahuje výsledky pravidelného prieskumu zameraného na postoje českej verejnosti k reklame.
Vol 13, Issue 1, 2018
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Browse articles in the current issue: Research papers, Marketing briefs, Short communications, Reviews, Dictionary
Browse articles in the current issue: Research papers, Marketing briefs, Short communications, Reviews, Dictionary
Browse articles in the current issue: Research papers, Marketing briefs, Short communications, Reviews, Dictionary