ReviewVol 17, Issue 3, 2022 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

EVA, HANULÁKOVÁ a kol., 2021. Marketing. Nástroje, stratégie, ľudia a trendy. Bratislava: Wolters Kluwer. 363 s. ISBN 978-80-571-0438-4.

Vysokoškolská učebnica je výsledok mnohoročného pedagogického pôsobenia autorského kolektívu, ale tiež mnohoročného pôsobenia autorov v komerčnej, podnikateľskej sfére. Sú v nej zúročené teoretické vedomosti, pedagogické i praktické skúsenosti, ktoré počas svojej akademickej profesie jednotliví autori dosiahli.

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Marketing BriefVol 17, Issue 3, 2022 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Article 1

Promotional items: Lasting memory of right and wrong

Promotional products, promotional merchandise, giveaways, corporate gifts for business partners and employees have been popular lasting reminders of donors. Sometimes promotional merchandise does not really carry the right message at the right time. And the group of advocates, in fact, believing we all love to receive things for free and that the true loyalty comes from subtle bribery.

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DictionaryVol 17, Issue 3, 2022 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

M Words

Most online merchants will email you an order confirmation with details of your purchase.
Väčšina online obchodníkov vám pošle e-mailom potvrdenie objednávky s podrobnosťami o vašom nákupe.

obchodovateľné, predajné
Their rule is that goods must be of merchantable quality.
Ich pravidlom je, že tovar musí byť obchodovateľnej kvality.

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Research PaperVol 17, Issue 3, 2022 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

Trade in transformation: The example of the textile business as an innovator of urban life-style

For the textile traders it is an improvement of the efficiency by the ability to control the total supply chain electronically; for the consumer the potential interconnectivity with the internet and smartphones is an empowerment of demand because the choices for alternative points of sales are permanently increasing and mobile shopping decreases the dependance on locations of brick-and stone.

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Research PaperVol 17, Issue 3, 2022 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

Managerial performance in the conditions of selected local government offices

The main benefits of this study are suggestions for improving the level of managerial performance that can be applied in public administration. Among the primary areas where change is needed, we identified ambiguity in the strategy and plan, delayed feedback processes and limited behavioural incentives.

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Research PaperVol 17, Issue 3, 2022 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

Analýza postojov k princípom spoločenskej zodpovednosti a ich uplatňovanie v praxi

Predložený článok si kladie za cieľ analyzovať princípy spoločenskej zodpovednosti vymedzené normou ISO 26000 a to z dvoch hľadísk – postoje voči týmto princípom a ich samotné uplatňovanie. Výsledky prezentované v tomto článku môžu prispieť do odbornej diskusie o súčasnom smerovaní spoločenskej zodpovednosti.

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Research PaperVol 17, Issue 3, 2022 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

Building-as-a-Service: The opportunities of service-dominant logic for construction

The aim of the paper is to show the opportunities that exist if buildings are not considered as amalgamation of materials and goods but as a service model. The paper shows what Service-Dominant Logic (SDL) in combination with BIM could offer to the industry and discusses the term Building-as-a-Service (BaaS) from an SDL perspective.

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