Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

Etický kodex v retailu

Příspěvek pojednává o nutnosti řešení některých aktuálních problémů v retailu s ohledem na ochranu spotřebitelů, životního prostředí a rozvoj společnosti. Řešení nabízejí etické kodexy, kterými retaileři deklarují svůj proaktivní přístup k řešení etických problémů, jenž mají dopad na stakeholdery i životní prostředí. Některé retailové řetězce také svůj zájem o společnost následují ve strategiích společenské odpovědnosti. Ty se stávají velmi důležitým prvkem dotváření corporate identity také v retailu.

Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

The power of compliments: A socio-linguistic view into social advertisement

With the accent of information and communication technology tools of the 21st century, consumption has been under a strong influence of globalization processes, changing communication systems, and developing the spending power of both businesses and individuals. Because of an easy access to communication tools and information, the consumer spending power strengthens and their attitudes and opinions gain voice…

Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

The hidden impact of word-of-mouth: A system dynamics approach

The method of System Dynamics is applied to study the impact of word-of mouth on sales over time. Five simulations (or experiments) are run under different assumptions. The outcomes show a significant leverage effect of WOM: Depending on Customer Involvement, Product Life Cycle and Customer Satisfaction, the market development of a New-Product-Introduction varies between 11.0 and 59.3 percent…

Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

Creating value for the customer with industrial services: Selling industrial services is not a matter of price

According to the ESIC (European Service Innovation Centre) report, the Upper Austrian region is characterized by a strong manufacturing sector where service innovation driven transformation represents an inevitable step forward and is thus used as a large-scale demonstrator for the dynamic and broad impact of service innovation…

Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

Study: The use of social media for service delivery: How do end-users use customer service 2.0?

The study is based on the question how the customer uses the service of companies in times of Web 2.0. The online survey was based on a standardized questionnaire. The target group were end users, who connect daily with goods and services from various suppliers and consciously or unconsciously use the service of companies every day. It was not possible to complete the questionnaire repeatedly, thus preventing a distortion of the results…