Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Article 1

How doomscrolling habits might be used for effective marketing communications in metaverse

Doomscrolling is a label for compulsive consumption of bad news, that are saddening, disheartening and frustrating. Since measures on social distancing were introduced in 2020, many people found themselves lost and detached from physical reality. Many resorted to virtual spaces to find their second selves, some established their second life in metaverse.

Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

CSR in corona time

The paper aims to present CSR activities in the Corona Time and internal stakeholders´ perception of these activities. Many of successful business would like to be more social responsible not only in usual time period, but during the crises, too. They would like to support and help the society. The paper introduces the Case Study of SKODA AUTO.

Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

The power of compliments: A socio-linguistic view into social advertisement

With the accent of information and communication technology tools of the 21st century, consumption has been under a strong influence of globalization processes, changing communication systems, and developing the spending power of both businesses and individuals. Because of an easy access to communication tools and information, the consumer spending power strengthens and their attitudes and opinions gain voice…

Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

Too much is never enough: Is there a tipping point in marketing communications?

Various indicators of marketing communications efficiency and effectiveness have been already discussed several times in our journal. A lot of them are based on one unspoken assumption: the more the merrier. A greater number of visitors, viewers, and listeners of advertising and public relations, an ever-higher amount of people utilizing sales promotion, an increasing figure…

Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

Marketingové problémy predmetu Etický hacking

Marketingové problémy predmetu s názvom Etický hacking, ktorý je vyučovaný na Fakulte managementu Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave sú obsahom predkladaného príspevku. Východiskom je pochopenie aktuálnosti a potenciál inovatívnosti témy etického hackingu v súvislosti s prácou manažéra a následne priblíženie priebehu výučby tohto predmetu. Vzdelávanie študentov prebieha bezpečne pomocou systému…

Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

Strategy variations in roadside outdoor advertising: A psycholinguistic perspective of Czech, German and Bolivian campaigns

This paper explores the role of consumer perception of self within a social setting and how it shapes marketing communication and advertisement strategy formation. The study reflects on current trends of social advertisements by examining traffic safety related messages of outdoor advertisement practices. Utilizing an alternative cross-disciplinary approach, it adopts psycholinguistic analytical tools for interpreting marketing communication strategies with respect to the consumer behavioral patterns.