Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

The marketing potential of personalisation of shipping packaging

The goal of the paper is to find out consumers’ attitudes towards the marketing usage of shipping packaging. The research demonstrated the real potential of personalisation. Because of this, it is possible to observe changes in consumer behaviour leading, among other things, to greater consumer satisfaction, a tendency to repeat purchases or a willingness to pay extra for personalised packaging.

Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

Hudba ako marketingový nástroj na zvýšenie návštevnosti a tržieb

Autor na základe dlhoročných vlastných skúseností a prostredníctvom dotazníkového prieskumu navrhuje princípy výberu vhodnej hudby, ako marketingového nástroja zameraného na zvýšenie návštevnosti a tržieb v prevádzkach maloobchodu a služieb, s prihliadnutím na charakter prevádzky, segmenty klientov, alokáciu operácií a ďalšie skutočnosti.

Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

Creative industries in Slovakia and their pricing strategies as the part of their marketing mix

The aim of this article is to contribute to the understanding of the possibilities of application of selected pricing strategies in the conditions of the creative industries in Slovakia. In this case, the economic potential is the set of economic utility – uniqueness, intellect, knowledge, talent and skills added by each participant in the process of product creation.