Research PaperVol 16, Issue 2, 2021 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

Export resilience – A future key success factor for Upper Austrian B2B companies?

Seeing Upper Austrian B2B companies struggle in keeping up their export business intensity and simultaneously accelerating the usage of digital communication and export channels, creates the starting point for an Export Resilience study in Upper Austria, an export-oriented region.

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Research PaperVol 16, Issue 2, 2021 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

Educating future managers for a culturally diverse workspace: Using course as a living laboratory

Based on the findings, a course design is suggested where exposure to cultural diversity is guided and facilitated by bringing students to collaborate in an assignment-driven context, with a culturally diverse group composition. Lecture-based components of the course are balanced with the addition of a component of self-reflection assignment, providing both culturally specific and general knowledge, thus contributing to the ability to extrapolate the experience on future intercultural encounters.

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Research PaperVol 16, Issue 2, 2021 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

Marketing topics through academic posters: An avenue to student autonomy and active citizenship

This paper postulates that in higher education institutions (HEIs), this can be achieved through fostering motivation and student autonomy. Academic posters are proposed as one of the relevant tools allowing educators to adopt an autonomy-supportive style of teaching that leads to enhanced independence, interest, and responsibility for social affairs.

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Research PaperVol 16, Issue 2, 2021 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

Sales organizations on the path of digitalization – A reflection from Germany, Finland and Austria

Companies are either proactively driving the digital transformation. The results show that one major goal for companies is to accelerate digitizing processes as digitalization helps to work more efficiently. Access to systems is necessary, hence investments in digitalization are seen as sustainable and absolutely essential for to serve B2B customers today.

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Research PaperVol 16, Issue 2, 2021 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

Automatic information retrievement for exporting services: First project findings from the development of an AI based export decision supporting instrument

This paper presents the initial results of an international research project aimed at assisting advanced manufacturers in making decisions about exporting their service offerings to foreign markets. The paper presents a roadmap for progressing towards an Artificial Intelligence-based market information solution.

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ReviewVol 16, Issue 2, 2021 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

GIL, CARLOS, 2021. Konec marketingu. Ovládněte trh prostřednictvím svých zákazníků na sociálních sítích. Praha: Grada Publishing. 200 s. ISBN 978-80-271-1296-8.

V mesiaci jún 2021 sa dostáva do predaja kniha Carlosa Gila. Ide o český preklad z anglického originálu „The End of Marketing. Humanizing your brand in the age of social media and AI.“ Ten vyšiel v minulom roku v londýnskom nakladateľstve Kogan Page. Autor je riaditeľom a zakladateľom spoločnosti Gil Media Co. v Los Angels.

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ReviewVol 16, Issue 2, 2021 Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

VYSEKALOVÁ, JITKA, MIKEŠ, JIŘÍ a BINAR, JAN, 2020. Image a firemní identita. 2., aktualizované a rozšířené vydání. Praha: Grada Publishing. 224 s. ISBN 978-80-271-2841-9.

Pôvodná, pre zainteresovanú odbornú verejnosť známa a etablovaná, dvojica autorov Jitka Vysekalová a Jiří Mikeš bola doplnená o Jana Binara, prezidenta Asociace komunikačních agentur a riaditeľa agentúry McCann. Ich spolupráca priniesla skutočne hodnotné a do istej miery dokonca nadčasové dielo.

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