Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

Čtenářské typologie: kvalitativní a kvantitativní pohled na možnosti segmentace knižního trhu

Na problém vztahu lidí k literatuře, knihám a čtení by bylo možno nahlížet z různých stran. Především, literatura je jednou z oblastí umění. Samozřejmě, jako o umění by se asi nedalo hovořit o veškeré literatuře, která vzniká, a už vůbec ne o všech knihách, které vycházejí, přesto by se možná dalo říct, že spolu s hudbou je literatura oblastí umění, která je blízká asi největší části veřejnosti.

Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

Marketingové problémy predmetu Etický hacking

Marketingové problémy predmetu s názvom Etický hacking, ktorý je vyučovaný na Fakulte managementu Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave sú obsahom predkladaného príspevku. Východiskom je pochopenie aktuálnosti a potenciál inovatívnosti témy etického hackingu v súvislosti s prácou manažéra a následne priblíženie priebehu výučby tohto predmetu. Vzdelávanie študentov prebieha bezpečne pomocou systému…

Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

Rebríček hodnôt mladých ľudí a ich postoj k prisťahovalectvu

Vokounova, D. (2016). Rebríček hodnôt mladých ľudí a ich postoj k prisťahovalectvu. Marketing Science & Inspirations, 11(4), 24–31. Hodnoty patria k faktorom, ktoré sú neustále prítomné pri našom vytváraní názoru, postoja alebo správania. Pre hodnoty je typické, že sú neviditeľné a ľudia si ich prítomnosť ani sami neuvedomujú, no napriek tomu ich vplyv je veľký.…

Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

Governance of international distributors through incentive travel programmes: Insights from manufacturing enterprises

Distributors are important export channels for internationally active small and medium sized manufacturers. Effective governance of these channel members is crucial for the manufacturers’ sales and marketing success. Unilateral incentive schemes represent one mechanism to govern distributors. The variety of incentives is noticeable, among them, incentive travel programmes…

Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

The Czech and Slovak Republics: A cross-cultural comparison

The paper attempts to compare the cultures of the Czech and Slovak Republic in a business environment. Establishing a list of cultural dimensions extracted from reputable models, the authors applied a systematic behavioural comparison of each country. The work of the authors was limited by two factors. Firstly, the cultural proximity of the countries provided many slight differentiations. Secondly, the analysis was hampered by the few of available cross-cultural statistics…

Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

Exorcising dust – a reflection on cultural differences in understanding ads

The paper at hand demonstrates a methodology of teaching intercultural differences, based on an exercise using the analysis of advertisements. The method was used in two MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) called cope 14 and cope 15 and, in slightly adapted form, in a lecture in cross-cultural management on Bachelor Level. This method aims at reflecting the own expectations on how the other side will react to different marketing messages and to learn about cultural differences…

Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

How do managers work with digital communication media in international business relationships? Focus group results of managers’ experiences of digital media use for relationship building.

In a qualitative study about international business negotiations and personal business relationships carried out a few years ago, results showed that relationship building and maintenance was something that occupied most international negotiators’ minds. It was stressed that meeting in person with due frequency was a requirement…

Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

Managing your customer centric initiatives

As organizations around the world confront new economic realities, many find organizing an effective response in this highly complex, highly uncertain environment to be uniquely challenging. Their sense of heightened uncertainty and risk reflects a business landscape. The rapid advance of communication technology and electronic commerce has eroded customer loyalty by creating more convenient access to product information, purchase options and services.

Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

Training concepts for industrial service staff in an intercultural context

Industrial services have always been an important part of companies’ value chains and thus subject to many strategic decisions. They are also one of the differentiation possibilities now when markets are saturated and customers base their decisions mainly on intangible aspects of what companies offer. Carefully designed trainings are a basis not only for outstanding service delivery but also for keeping employees’ motivational levels…

Marketing Science and Inspirations Journal Paper

Strategy variations in roadside outdoor advertising: A psycholinguistic perspective of Czech, German and Bolivian campaigns

This paper explores the role of consumer perception of self within a social setting and how it shapes marketing communication and advertisement strategy formation. The study reflects on current trends of social advertisements by examining traffic safety related messages of outdoor advertisement practices. Utilizing an alternative cross-disciplinary approach, it adopts psycholinguistic analytical tools for interpreting marketing communication strategies with respect to the consumer behavioral patterns.